Rubbing Alcohol in car detailing

If your Car Care vanity does not include a bottle of Rubbing (Isopropyl) Alcohol, then you are missing something.

For all the time you took your car for cleaning, polishing, or other professional detailing, you must have noticed the guy using Rubbing Alcohol spray.

But did you wonder what this household chemical solution is doing there? It might sound strange, but Rubbing Alcohol comes in handy for a variety of usage in Car detailing.

Here are all the details and insights for Rubbing Alcohol and Car Detailing. Read further if you wonder about the connection between both of them.

Why should you use Isopropyl Alcohol for Car detailing?

A bottle of Rubbing Alcohol comes in handy for a variety of day-to-day usage. Along with behaving as a helping hand at home, it can also work for several Car related deeds.

It is one of the go-to ingredients for professional Car dealers and technicians. Its usage can range from cleaning to polishing and residing the Car in a number of ways.

However, please note that only when you use the right amount and in the right way, Rubbing Alcohol can do jobs for your Car.

And if any task is done promptly without considering certain factors, it can also lead you to disappointment.

Before learning about the don’t with Rubbing Alcohol and Car, let’s put some light on how you can use them both together.

7 Uses of Rubbing Alcohol in Car Detailing

  • For removing Sealant or Wax from painted Car surfaces

Every household has a bottle of Rubbing Alcohol because it can remove non-polar compounds.

And that is why when you want to remove Sealant, Wax, or Grease from your Car, Rubbing Alcohol comes in handy.

Even though Car wash soaps clean most non-polar compounds a few times, you might also need Isopropyl.

It especially comes in handy when you are planning to re-paint or re-polish your Car and need a clean and clear surface for the same.

  • For removing haze from Windows and Windshields

If you happen to notice a waxy windshield quite often, consider using Rubbing (Isopropyl) Alcohol.

Though individuals often choose the common water wash way, it sometimes doesn’t leave the glass squeaky clean and clear.

Mix 1:1 Isopropyl and Water and spray it on your Car’s Window. Let it sit for a minute, and then wipe it with a microfibre cloth.

  • For dissolving Window’s frost

Scraping off frost from your Car’s Window isn’t just unexciting but also time taking.

However, if you spray some Rubbing Alcohol at the top of the frost layer and then wipe it off, things will speed up and come down quite easily.

  • For restoration of the Headlight Lens

Car owners who are done with using DIY sandpaper alternatives or headlight lens restoration kits can switch to Isopropyl.

It does the job easily, within no time, and is also more economical than other options.

Use Isopropyl Alcohol to remove any compound, polish, or dust from the headlight lenses.

  • For removing sticker residue

Stickers and Decals are so common amongst Car lovers that they can fill their Car with the same without any second thought. However, the real pain is when one removes these stickers after some time.

While the removing process alone is rigorous its further leaves behind tuff and sticky residue.

However, if you use Rubbing Alcohol for the process, it will definitely kill the pain and trouble.

For removing old Car stickers, apply a layer of Rubbing Alcohol over the same. After a minute or two, remove the sticker, and it will come out pretty easy and clean. 

Or if you already have snatched the sticker and there’s some sticky residue left behind, rub it off with some Isopropyl.

  • For disinfecting the Car’s interior

Cleaning and Disinfecting Car’s interior isn’t easy as it seems. Disinfecting the seat belts, Steering wheel, door handle, and nooks & corners is crucial, especially in times when the world is fighting against a deadly virus.

And, for doing this deed quick and easy, take a microfibre cloth, pour over some Isopropyl and wipe your Car’s interior.

Note: Avoid using Isopropyl over leather Car interiors.

  • For cleaning the surface before applying a film or wrap

You may have noticed how the mobile guy cleans the screen before applying a screen guard to your mobile phone.

Similarly, before tinting your Car window, preparing the screen is one of the most important processes. It will give a smooth and even finish to the film/ tinting, which else way dirt, dust, or other foreign particles can ruin it.

Along with the Isopropyl, also wet the surface enough for sticking the film while you smooth it out.

Can Rubbing (Isopropyl) Alcohol damage your Car paint?

Rubbing (Isopropyl) Alcohol is typically a fine solution for using with Car detailing. As long as you use it properly and in limitation, it won’t damage your Car’s paint at all.

For example, if you will spray undiluted Isopropyl over a freshly painted Car, it may cause swelling or softening of the coat.

However, if you have watered down the solution with the right ratio of water, risks will be significantly reduced.

What is the best % Isopropyl Alcohol for use in detailing?

As per experts and professionals dealing in Cars, 70% isopropyl alcohol is best to use in Car detailing.

However, one can also use 50%, 91%, 99%, and 100% Isopropyl on their Car.

The trick here is just to dilute the solution before use. The preferred ratio is lessIsopropylAlcohol and more Water.

Using a ratio higher of Alcohol or Alcohol at its full strength can cause permanent damage to your Car’s paint.

Will Rubbing Alcohol damage my Car’s clear coat?

Clearcoat is the uppermost paint layer of the Car that protects it from possible scratches.

This layer is usually softer than paint; thus, Rubbing Alcohol is one of the major concerns for the same.

For example, if you happen to pour Rubbing Alcohol over your Car’s paint and let it soak for a long time, it can ruin both the clear coat and paint.

However, if you wipe off the Alcohol solution quickly or it dries out soon, no harm may occur.

Thus, considering your Car’s clear coat was exposed to the undiluted Alcohol solution and for a long time, yes, it might cause damage.

Using Rubbing Alcohol on Car- 10 Things to Remember

Rubbing Alcohol, despite how safe is still a Chemical Composition. Thus, to ensure safety, it is important to handle it mindfully.

While you are planning to use Rubbing Alcohol on your Car, here are a few things to consider.

  1. Avoid pouring Rubbing Alcohol all over your Car and use it only on an as-needed basis.
  2. One should never use undiluted Isopropyl over their Car.
  3. As per Car experts, the starting point of Isopropyl usage for Cars is 10% to 15% Alcohol to water. While you are just starting, avoid exceeding 25%.
  4. Avoid using Isopropyl on Old or freshly done Car paint.
  5. Avoid being vigorous, nor should one apply pressure while using Rubbing Alcohol on Car. It is a self-working solution; thus, let it do its job.
  6. Consider diluting Isopropyl with distilled water if possible.
  7. Do not let any section of your Car (both inside and outside) soak in Rubbing Alcohol solution.
  8. Avoid using Rubbing Alcohol inside around technical parts of your Car.
  9. Remember, Alcohol is a flammable solution, and using it around the battery, engine, or so can cause a fire.
  10. Park your car in the shade away from direct heat and sunlight while using Rubbing Alcohol.

Wrapping Up…

A bottle of Isopropyl may seem small, but when it comes to usage, you might forget the count. Rubbing (Isopropyl) Alcohol in some or another way is also a magical solution for Car.

From detailing the outside to disinfecting the inside, it can come for a number of usages. However, every time you pick up a bottle of Isopropyl, make sure you use it safe and sound.