Is Isopropyl Alcohol flammable?

Isopropyl Alcohol, also known as propane-2-ol, is a very useful chemical. The list of its usage and usefulness is so long that it would rarely ever come to an end.

However, with benefits, this solvent also comes with several dangers. And one of the major hazards of Isopropyl Alcohol is its ‘Flammable Property.’

Can Isopropyl Alcohol catch fire?

Yes, Isopropyl Alcohol is highly flammable and can easily catch or cause a fire. Even the vapors floating from this chemical can air travel towards a source of ignition and lead to a fire.

It, at times, can create such a hazardous situation that even water spray might not prove insufficient to fight.

That is why do keep Isopropyl Alcohol or any form of Rubbing Alcohol away from sparks, flames, heat, and all other forms of ignition.

Even never keep solutions like acetaldehyde, chlorine, ethylene oxide, oxidizers, isocyanates, and acids, together with Rubbing Alcohol.

What percent is Isopropyl Alcohol flammable?

What temperature does Isopropyl Alcohol burn? The main reason for the high flammability of IsopropylAlcohol is its higher density than air.

Its flammability range is between 2% and 12.7% in air. Also, when compared with Ethanol (another form of Rubbing Alcohol), Isopropyl is still more flammable and dangerous.

Isopropyl Alcohol has an ignition temperature of 750°F and a flashpoint of 53°F.

Further, it has a vapor density of 2.07, a molecular weight of 60, and a specific gravity of 0.785.

Which factor influences the flammability of Isopropyl Alcohol the most?

Isopropyl Alcohol is an explosive compound which means with the influence of atmospheric oxygen, it will easily start burning. 

Can Isopropyl Alcohol self-ignite?

Isopropyl Alcohol cannot self-ignite; however, it can catch fire in the presence of heat and spark. Though like other flammable liquids, Isopropyl, under high pressure, can burst.

It is similar to how an LPG cylinder or a Nitrogen cylinder burst out of nowhere, simply due to the high pressure created inside the cylinder.

Does IsopropylAlcohol evaporate if left open?

How long does it take for Isopropyl Alcohol to evaporate? Yes, when left exposed to air, IsopropylAlcohol will definitely evaporate.

It happens due to the Alcohol molecules, which overcome the forces with their kinetic energy at room temperature. The idea is as same as for any other volatile liquids.

However, even when the entire amount of Alcohol evaporates, the liquid (water) will still remain behind in the same quantity.

It can take a minute to an hour for evaporation, depending upon the amount of Isopropyl Alcohol it is. For example, if it is 5 ml of Isopropyl, it will take no longer than 30 seconds for it to evaporate.

Or if the temperature is higher than usual (more than the basic room temperature), then alcohol will evaporate even faster.

Once you pop up the bottle of Isopropyl Alcohol, it allows air to enter the liquid, beginning the oxidization process.

This is also one of the reasons why experts advise storing Isopropyl or any other Alcohol at cold temperatures will tight lids.

What temperature does Isopropyl Alcohol evaporate?

Like several of its counterparts, IsopropylAlcohol too can evaporate below its Boiling Point.

Though the Boiling Point of Isopropyl is 82.5 °C, in the presence of non-saturated air, it will evaporate at 25 °C.

Because it has properties like Vapor pressure, the molecules inside move faster and freely and thus even escape with a great speed.

Even without heat, Alcohol takes very minimal time to evaporate at normal room temperature.

Is it safe to burn Isopropyl Alcohol indoors?

The safety of burning IsopropylAlcohol indoors depends upon the cause and conditions of the environment.

For example, if you burn minimal Isopropyl inside a well-ventilated room, nothing hazardous will take birth.

However, with burning a high amount of Isopropyl under a closely compact room, chances of extreme fire, blast, toxic gas release become quite high.

Several individuals use Isopropyl for lighting woods inside their fireplace or at a bonfire. The practice is completely normal and partially safe, considering they take care of all precautions.

What happens if you accidentally smoke Rubbing Alcohol?

Smoking the fumes of RubbingAlcoholin a very small amount does no harm to health.

However, smoking the same in large amounts can lead to nausea, vomiting, irritation in the eyes and nose, breathing difficulties, and throat irritations.

Upon inhaling such chemicals, the toxicity first reaches the lungs, then to the blood going forward towards the central nervous system.

The process is the same as smoking cigarettes or weed, though contains highly dangerous after effects.

NOTE: 160 ML to 240 ML IsopropylAlcohol on estimation is a lethal dose for humans and pets.

Is Alcohol still flammable after it dries?

Yes, even in a drying condition, Rubbing Alcoholic is still highly flammable. Its drying properties do not remove the flammable nature; that Alcohol is known for.

Both in its fresh or dry state, RubbingAlcoholis threatened by flames or heat or any other source of ignition.

Common Questions-

Is 70% Isopropyl Alcohol flammable? Is 75% Isopropyl Alcohol flammable? Is 91% Isopropyl Alcohol flammable?

What about the purest form of Rubbing Alcohol and Is 99% Isopropyl Alcohol flammable?

Yes, regardless of the percentage, all concentrations of IsopropylAlcohol are highly flammable.

Though considering the purity, the results of flammability may differ, the chances will still remain the same.

Wrapping up…

Regardless of how useful it is, alwaysIsopropylAlcohol with caution. Under even the least exposure, it won’t take a minute but will catch fire.

In case of fire and explosion due to IsopropylAlcohol, always leave the room first. If not the fire, its vapor alone can result in spreading toxicity inside humans.

Further, call the Fire Station, 911, 999, or your local police for help. Remember, the intensity of the fire caused by Isopropyl isn’t easy to tackle for home-based water spray.

Also, anyone who came in contact even with the vapor from the Isopropyl fire, take them to your nearest hospital.