Why Does Rubbing Alcohol Burn?

Rubbing alcohol is an interesting substance and one that many people don’t know much about.

For example, did you know that rubbing alcohol burns? What causes this burning sensation?

This is a question that many people have asked before and it’s probably the most common way to start an online search. But what does rubbing alcohol burn? This is actually a popular question because on TV, sometimes you’ll hear the narrator’s voice say “rubbing alcohol burns” as the person or a character is about to put their hand on fire.

We all know that rubbing alcohol is said to have a less intense burning sensation than other types of alcohol. But why does it burn so much?

Rubbing alcohol burns because oxygen in the air reacts with the ethanol in the rubbing alcohol to create heat. This reaction creates water vapor and warmth which will burn your skin if you don’t remove it quickly.


I love science and I always enjoy learning about new things. So, I thought I would do some research and find the answer for myself!

What Causes Rubbing Alcohol To Burn?

Rubbing alcohol consists of ethanol and water.

Ethanol can be oxidized by heat to create an energy release. The oxygen molecules in the air react with the ethanol molecule to produce a small amount of heat as well as carbon dioxide and water vapor.

This reaction creates enough heat for it to cause a burning sensation in contact with the skin.

Rubbing alcohol triggers a burning sensation because it activates pain receptors in the body.

The receptor in the body that triggers a burning sensation is called the Vanilloid receptor-1 (VR1).

Usually, VR1 is only activated when you are actually getting burned and it requires high temperatures for activation.

However, the ethanol in rubbing alcohol changes all that by lowering the temperature threshold so now your skin feels like it’s burning but without actual heat or fire nearby.

Ethanol activates the vanilloid receptor-1 and lowers its temperature threshold to below body temperature thus causing the burning sensation.

Why Does Rubbing Alcohol Burn?

Many people are curious about why rubbing alcohol burns. In this post, you’ll discover the answer and exactly why it does what it does.

How does rubbing alcohol get warm?

Rubbing alcohol is a type of alcohol that has been distilled from fermented materials such as wine and beer. It is a clear, colorless liquid that has a strong, medicinal smell. Alcohols are composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. The number of each atom determines the alcohol’s strength.

Rubbing alcohol is composed of 51% alcohol by volume. This means that for every two gallons of rubbing alcohol, one gallon will be 86% alcohol.

The rubbing alcohol has a higher concentration of ethanol (the primary component of alcoholic beverages) than other types of alcohol, which makes it more potent.

The heat created when rubbing alcohol is rubbed against something else is due to the evaporation of the liquid. The heat causes the liquid to turn into vapor and, as a vapor, it can hold more energy than the liquid form. This extra energy causes the vapor to move quickly and with enough force to cause damage or produce a flame.

Why does it burn so bad or leave a mark?

When you apply Rubbing alcohol to a surface, you are actually putting alcohol on top of your skin. The rubbing alcohol evaporates quickly and what is left on the skin is an extremely strong solvent that can cause severe burns.

The vaporized rubbing alcohol can also cause a chemical burn, which results in redness, blistering, and itching.


I hope you enjoyed this article on what makes rubbing alcohol burn. If you have any other questions, just let me know in the comments below!