Is Rubbing Alcohol bad for birds

Isopropyl Alcohol, if consumed, is bad for birds, animals, and all living beings.

Especially if it is about animals and birds, Rubbing Alcohol isn’t even safe for use on their skin, paws, feathers, etc.

Can Alcohol harm birds? Rubbing Alcohol toxicity for Birds

Alcohol, be it Rubbing or Consuming is harmful to birds. From consuming to coming in contact with this solvent, the situation can lead to Alcohol poisoning amongst the birds.

In instances when a bird drinks Rubbing Alcohol it may lead to vomiting, disorientation, incoordination, respiratory depression, or even collapse.

Isopropyl Alcohol also takes no time to absorb, and within half an hour of contact, the bird will start showing the effects of poisoning and toxicity.

One of the most common ways of Alcohol poisoning in birds arises from licking spilled liquids. It can either be standalone Rubbing or Consuming Alcohol or Alcohol-based products.

That is why, while dealing with or storing chemical solvents, one must behave highly thoughtfully. Your one irresponsible move can prove hazardous for yourself and others.

Is the smell of Rubbing Alcohol bad for birds? Is Rubbing Alcohol smell bad for birds?

While Rubbing Alcohol smell isn’t toxic for birds, its fumes can definitely lead to alcohol poisoning.

Most birds lack much sense of smell. As these creatures do not have a nose, they sniff anything using their olfactory glands, just like dogs.

However, lack of smell doesn’t mean that the smell of Rubbing Alcohol won’t harm birds.

Instead, fumes from Rubbing Alcohol, Perfumes, Hair Sprays, Colognes, Cleaning Spray, and other liquids can prove deadly for birds.

Birds do inhale for a living. When they breathe, air passes through small nostril-like openings in their beak.

Birds have a super-efficient respiratory system that oxygenates their blood, quite different from that of mammals.

However, similar to humans, they too are dependent upon the breath in and breath out process. And during a similar process, they can breathe in fumes of Rubbing Alcohol. This way, the toxicity of the solvent will reach inside their lungs.

Also, birds have a high metabolic rate, smaller body mass, and a faster respiratory rate, making them more sensitive to poisonous substances.

Their metabolism toward toxic and foreign substances is so low that it won’t take more than 5 minutes for Alcohol fumes to show their effect.

What scents are toxic to birds?

Birds are sensitive to several scents, almost all artificial and particularly natural. What makes birds smell sensitive is their ability to exchange gasses into oxygen for flying.

This ability of birds makes toxins of scent pass down their airpipes and then absorb into their body. The final result is causing them to fall ill or even die sometimes.

List of scents that are toxic to birds:

  1. Rubbing Alcohol
  2. Carbon Monoxide
  3. Fumes from newly varnished furniture
  4. Scented Candles
  5. Air Fresheners
  6. Smoke from Tabaco products
  7. Glue
  8. All variety of Paints
  9. Hair Spray and other cosmetic sprays
  10. Nail Polish
  11. Mothballs
  12. All kinds of household and industrial cleaning products

Individuals who own birds can use substances from the list above with appropriate ventilation. Make sure you keep the birds out of the way until the required job is done. Also, do not allow birds to enter in a closed and chemically treated space.

Is the smell of hand sanitizer bad for birds?

Yes, if the hand sanitizer is heavily fragranced, its smell can be a potential problem.

It is because birds have a sensitive respiratory system, and the contents of Hand Sanitizer can prove harsh on them.

Is it okay to clean a birdcage with Rubbing Alcohol?

Cleaning and disinfecting a Birdcage is essential.

Just as you clean after doing your business, before eating, or right before sleeping, birds also need a certain cleaning level.

Follow these simple steps daily and keep your bird’s cage squeaky clean:

  • Replace the bird cage’s liner every day.
  • Wipe down/ wash the bars, perches, toys and other objects every day. The idea here is to make sure that birds do not sit or eat on their own toxic waste.
  • Remove bird’s food and water bowl daily and clean them. Also, put only a small amount of food and water in them and make sure you replace them every day. Doing so will prohibit the growth of bacteria.

Also, once every 10 to 20 days, make sure you do deep cleaning of your birdcage. For doing so, Gather,

  • Paper towels or birdcage wipes
  • 70% Isopropyl Alcohol
  • An old toothbrush
  • A Sandpaper

The process:

  • Firstly, remove all the assemblies, supplies and toys from inside the birdcage.
  • Now using sandpaper, scrape all the droppings off the sides of the cage.
  • Once all the droppings are gone, wash the cage thoroughly with hot water. Here you can also use a mild dishwashing soap or detergent.
  • After that, spray 70% Isopropyl all over the cage. Doing so will remove all chances of infections from the cage.
  • Let the cage sit for 10 to 15 minutes and after that, rinse it well again with lukewarm water.
  • Keep the cage for air drying and then again line in all the assemblies, supplies and toys. Make sure you have washed and disinfected them as well.

Is Rubbing Alcohol Odour Toxic to Birds?

Is Rubbing Alcohol poisonous to birds? Rubbing Alcohol is definitely poisonous for birds, and thus one must use it thoughtfully around them.

While the solvent is not meant for treating birds, even when you use Alcohol for disinfecting the cage, behave cautiously.

Make sure the cage is well dried, and birds get no chance to consume even a drop of Isopropyl.

Wrapping Up…

All in all, Rubbing Alcohol is bad for birds. And not just bad, it is toxic and harmful and can even cause death in Birds.

Even for cleaning purposes, if it is essential, then only use Rubbing Alcohol.

Else go for the regular steam cleaning or hot water cleaning. Also, avoid leaving the bottle of Rubbing Alcohol all open.

This can allow both birds and animals to drink it and spread poison unknowingly in their body.